Bamboozle Roadshow - 4.19.08

Bamboozle Roadshow at the skate park. It rocked so hard.

Anna came with me. Not of her own free will though.

We saw Taylor aka Albino Gorilla. The second Anna saw him she got a pissed look on her face.

First up was Metro Station. They were amazing. Trace Cyrus is so much sexier in real life. The only people that were excited seemed to be teenage girls. I was dancing like a mad woman. When they played Control, Shake It, and Kelsey everyone on the floor started dancing. Anna didn't like it at all. We saw a mom who was dancing and singing along. It was pretty funny.

Anna had to leave after MS, so I was alone.

Set Your Goals played next. I had never heard of them until last night. THEY ROCK!!!! Mosh pits were going on all during their set. A guy jumped on top of me and pulled me back into a mosh pit. I got hit in the head quite a few times. When I got out I went back up front. I was standing next to this really nice guy. He would push people back anytime they tried to jump on us and helped out several girls who got pushed down. He didn't even get to enjoy the set. At one point one of the mics got lost in the crowd and got tangled in a girl's hair. Set Your Goals is definitely one of my favorite bands now.

Next up was Armor For Sleep. I love them so much. I was right up front for their set. Ben Jorgenson makes vests look so sexy. They opened with Car Underwater. Everyone went nuts. They also played Chemicals, Smile for the Camera, Remember to Feel Real, Dream to Make Believe, Williamsburg, and a few others. During their set people would start random mosh pits. During Williamsburg, a guy knocked over a girl and she almost passed out. I got to sing into the mic during one of their songs. The guy had that "I feel like crap now" look on his face after that. Armor didn't get to play their last song because the show was running behind.

I got really tired and dehydrated during AFS so I went to get a drink. I gave a kid a dollar so he could get one too. I went to the bathroom to see how I looked and man I looked like shit. My hair was everyone and my shirt was drenched.

Saves the Day played next. I didn't stay for their whole set though. I was too tired. The part I did hear was great though. Trace Cyrus and the guys from Set Your Goals were hanging out at their merch tables. I walked by Trace. He is really really tall.

Man, I love concerts
December 25th, 2008 at 01:45am