It's Been A While...

'Ello Lovies!

It's me, Kelsey. Remember??? Maybe not... Well, in case any of you haven't noticed, I was gone for an extremely long time! Like, it was not cool how long I was gone for. So, I guess I've got some explaining to do.

First off, the reason that I wasn't on in so long was because I was grounded. Why, you may ask? Well, because I have over protective parents who won't let me live my life the way I want to. But, we all have those, don't we? Basically, they didn't approve of some of the choices that I was making, so they grounded me. Like, seriously grounded me to the point where I will never forgive them haha.

Wanna know what they did to ground me?

They took away my cell phone, my iPod, and my computer. I wasn't allowed to go out except to go to work and school. AND (here's the worst part, my friends) they are making me wait TWO MORE MONTHS before I can get my driver's license!!!!!! Crazy, much??? All because they have to be controlling and urgh!!!! I'm so angry! If you guys could see me, you would be very scared.

But, thankfully I'm not grounded anymore. So, I am back! I missed all of you guys loads and I can't wait to catch up with you!

As for my stories, I've gotta get back into my creative mindset. I'm pretty sure I know where I'm going with You're My Good Feeling. You can expect updates pretty soon for that. I Am a Pirate, You Are a Princess might take a little longer and California, Here We Come will probably take the longest. So, please be patient with updates! They'll all come in due time.

Love you all lots!!!

December 26th, 2008 at 06:02am