Willing To Be Vullnerable

I know that sounds really cheesy but I do not even care.
I spent all Sunday texting BOY and he was being himself.
We were texting until three in the morning... because he fell asleep.
He just makes me smile.

So Monday we're texting and...

BOY: Do you like me?

I think I almost died.
I'm trying to get Megan's attention because like "OMFG HE JUST ASKED A HUGE QUESTION"
Megan was not available for consultation. >>
So I took tie to breathe and was like: Well, you pride yourself on being upfront about this sort of thing...
So I just said it.

Me: Yeah
BOY: a lot?
Me: Well, let me put it this way. I trust you a lot more than I trust most guys.

I figured saying it that way was honest yet safe. But I'm really relieved that as much as I like him this isn't like the usual train wreck. I like him but I'm not devoting all my time to him. When we're not texting I can still function. I'm not obsessively writing about him or clinging to the idea of potential outcomes. I'm just living it. I feel all grown up! :D

BOY: You trust me?
Me: Well I think that you wouldn't stab me in the back and that you aren't a complete asshole.
BOY: Complete?
Me: We all have our days.
Me: Lord knows I was in a bad mood this morning.

I notice that he seems to put a lot of stock in what people think of him. If you say something about how you perceive him he usually want you to explain. He'll talk to you seriously about a lot of things too, which I find really endearing about him.

Me: What made you ask?
BOY: Just wondering.

Which is where I felt extremely vulnerable but at the same time I had no regret. As Evan told me "sometimes you just have to put yourself out there." I can't say that I didn't put myself out there and I was true to myself so I'm happy.

My only worry is that even though texting isn't awkward. I'm worried that the next time I se him will be.
December 26th, 2008 at 08:14am