
New story, or no new story?

Well guys, this has came up when I was talking to a non-mibba friend. She had sent me this bulliton on myspace that she had read, and it sparked my imaganation, and now I have a new story floating around in my head.

Which brings us to the question, To post or not to post.

It is a good story, based on what I have heard from people who have read wwhat I have written, but that is by no means bad, but they are not you guys. You are writters, and um readers I guess, so your important.

I will not stop writing Chestnut Hill because it is my baby, and I'm doing good on it. I love that story. But the new one will be, gasp, original.

Yes, I have said it. We really need those guys, nobody can write a real story about a real person because its just not right, an original is orignal. Not a band-fic, or song-fic.

It just isn't.

So guys, I ask again.

To post or not to post?
December 27th, 2008 at 05:16am