How music take over my soul.

Okay I love music so much!I grew up listening to music like techno,rap,pop,hip-hop,rock,and classical.But when I was small I loved listening to techno and rap.But techno was my favorite and still is.Every time I listen to techno I just was to jump out of my seat and start dancing to the beats. Rap music well...I stopped listening to it when they kept playing the same songs over and over again on wild 94.9.I just got so tired of listening to same thing over and over again!Till when I entered sixth grade and one of my new friends made me listen to rock.But you now what got people mad and cures about me?They would ask me 'Why did I stop listening to rap?' and I would say 'Don't you people get tired of listening to the same thing over and over again?' and they would say 'No!' then I would tell them 'There is more music in the world then rap,pop,and hip-hop'

An wow...Rock took over my head I searched up like twenty bands that day.Like AFI,My chemical romance,The Used,The Cure,The Verve,Rise Against, Three day grace,Taking back Sunday,and I forgot what over once I searched.But yeah I love rock an techno.My favorite techno songs right now are Brainbug - Nightmare and Brainbug - Benedictus.Very good techno if you like creep and spooky techno but yeah very good techno.But I sometimes get freak out when I'm listening to it by my self.
December 27th, 2008 at 07:42am