Waiting, Watching, Praying

"Aw, that's so cute..."

"Just look at those sweeties!..."

I watch him being pulled away, led by his obnoxious girlfriend who walks like she owns the school. I watch his eyes light up whenever she lays her head on his shoulder, and I desperately wish I could get that kind of shine from him.

I used to. Back in the day of summer heat and paper airplanes, he was my angel and I was his everything.

Obviously, that's gone now.

I'm the one he told his secrets to, I'm the one who made him laugh. I knew he loved her and I put up with it every single stinking day.

So now I'm waiting for my angel, watching as he walks away. I'm praying that soon, he'll hear what I say.
December 27th, 2008 at 04:05pm