New Year, New Start, what a disappointment.

I think, the title of this journal says it all, really.
There's a lot of people, including myself, who make new years resolutions, year after year, hoping to feel a sense of achievement, or to notice, a few months in to the year that this resolution has made a difference.
Every year, I'm disappointed, however, not this year.

Instead of making a new years resolution this year, I'm setting myself a challenge.

As of January 1st 2009, I will be taking part in the 365 project.

This involves me taking a picture every day for a year. The picture should sum up my day, or be a great image I saw and captured on the day. Doing this will be a good way to remember what happened on certain days of the year and will also improve my photography skills, which is something I want to be doing.

Although I know this is going to involve a lot of work, I am willing to put the effort in, as I know that the sense of achievement shall be great.

I urge you all to do something different this new year, set yourself a manageable challenge that you actually WANT to do, instead of making a resolution because you feel you have to at new year.

Comment me with all of your fabulous ideas!

Hope you all have a lovely holiday, and that the new year will be a good one for you!

December 27th, 2008 at 08:09pm