I don't know what has become of me. [help?]

Ugh, So I really fucked up big time this time.

My bestfriend/babycakes is so pissed off at me. I know I shouldn't of done what I did, and I've apologized a bajillion gazillion times.

Here's the story, maybe someone out there in mibba world can help me.

So normally, I don't smoke weed or drink. But friday night, I was hanging out with a few friends and they decided to. I didn't have to do it, but for some stupid reason I did. Honestly, I really don't know why I did because it totally wasn't worth it. My chest/lungs burned the rest of the night and I didn't even feel any different. Then on top of that everyone was tripping out and we went tresspassing to some like trash dump [don't ask]. And while we were ontop of the huge mountain thing, this police helicopter comes out of nowhere with a spot light going. So all of us were freaking out and like trying to get away from it. So we hid behind this dumpster thing that was up on top until the helicopter turned away and then we hauled ass back down the hill. [keep in mind this mountain thing was like 14 stories up] and the fucking thing was like behind us the whole time. It got so close we could hear it and when we were at the bottom of the hill, we snuck back under a fence and then had to hide in a bunch of bushes and the damn spotlight hit the bush we were hiding in. [there was 5 of us, including me] After it finally left, we ran back through some nursery thing and hauled our asses back to this one kid's house. [yes i know his name but i'm keeping this confidential XD] But like I'm never ever going to smoke again. Like ugh, totally not worth it.

And I've apoligized to my babycakes a million times and he's still mad at me. And he's not online either and thats the only way I can talk to him. I sent him a message on myspace saying that I just wanted him to know that I love him and that I was super sorry. His response "Super sorry? Awesome. Well I'm going to bed now." And I don't know what to think about that. But I feel like complete shit and I just wish he'd forgive me.
December 28th, 2008 at 09:47pm