How Twilight Changed My Life..

So it all started a little over a year ago.. In the library of my high school.. At the farthest table from the librarian.. Where my ex-boyfriend and I used to sit during advisory..

"What book is this?" he said as he reached for my book.
"Haven't you read that before?" he asked
"Yeah, but it's a good book!" I tried to defend myself.
"You should read Twilight instead."
"Twilight? What's that about?" I asked
"Vampires, and love" he smiled.
"Um.. I don't know.. It sounds..interesting.." I lied; vampires weren't really for me.
"It's really good. Way better than Stargirl!"
"Ugh. Okay."
"Thank you." he smiled again.

I didn't actually plan on reading it.. It was just to make him happy. But once I started, I couldn't stop. I imagined myself as Bella, only with a few difference..(braver, less reserved) and him as Edward.. (he was already way smarter than me..)

I fell into a deep obsession with the series. ..well, maybe that's a bit of an overstatement, but still.

Also, this was before the movie was released, and just after the third book came out. Before the mania over Robert Pattinson and Kirsten Stewart, before people had actually seen the characters..

Anyway, I got the second book as a congratulations present, and begged my ex to give me more details about the other books. He wouldn't.

I had almost completely forgotten about Twilight as a whole about a month ago when, during our 'reading' hour, I found myself bookless. I went to my locker and dug through it; it's pretty messy. All I could find was New Moon. So I ran back to the room and began reading. It went brought back a lot of things.. The whole story up until then unfolded in my mind. I also remembered my ex and me..talking about the books, him teasing me because I wasn't at college level of reading like him, and basically just us. It hurt, but felt good too, in a way. Some might even call me masochistic. But still, I read. We weren't talking anymore, and I didn't like that very much.. I considered the Twilight Series to be my security blanket :)

I just finished Eclipse yesterday (got it for Christmas) and started Breaking Dawn today. (Thanks, mom, for paying attention to at least ONE part of my life!) And anyone who's read them knows how amazing they are, so I needn't go into detail.

But anyway.. gotta cut this short.. the father has immerged from the basement (the rents don't live in harmony, if you catch my drift..) and is now cussing about ham I think..don't really want to stick around for the rest of it..

But yeah. Please Comment!
December 29th, 2008 at 02:31am