Great.. It's Happening Again

Why does this always happen? It's like a complete repeat of this summer. 'cept this time, my 'forbidden love' is focused on a girl.

First off, I'll tell you that I am dating this boy who I /was/ madly in love with. Now? I'm having second thoughts. We've been dating for a bout 6 & a half months, but.. I don't know. Maybe I want to expirement with girls. Maybe I'm just tired of him?

This summer, I was [obvi] still dating him. Let's call him Dick. I went to my dads for a few weeks after a fiasco with my alcoholic mom [more like several.. but who's counting, right?]. Then, I started talking to this boy who I had had feelings for like two or three years ago.. let's call him Billy. Me and Billy started flirting, and had plans to chill [which we never really went along with..]. Somehow, Dick caught wind of my budding romance with Billy, and shit hit the fan. He /spazzed/ at Billy [I, of /course/ took Billy's side.. what's Dick's problem?], and it went downhill from there. Eventually ending in a two week breakup, where my fondness for Billy really began.

Billy, along with friends at my dad's, horses, etc. made me want to move down there [two hours, give or take, away from my mom]. My mom threatened suicide, and such. I couldn't do that to my mom, Dick, or my friends at my mom's.

Now, I like this girl.. let's call her Jane. Jane, you know who you are. We hung out the other day, 'twas fun. What's the problem, you see? She lives by my dad's, aswell. Dick would shit a brick if he found out.. but I'm beginning to not give two fucks, honestly. Then, there's the whole repeat of the moving business.. Jane, friends, horses, etc. are yet again, dragging me back to the valley. Plus the fact that at times, I can't /stand/ my mother.. and I know she can't fucking stand me either.

But I may have a good soloution. :D My mom is applying for a transfer [works in the military] to the valley! I'd be able to see my dad alot more, ride horses again/ more, see my true friends.. and Jane.

Fuck, I know, I'm such a slut.. don't need to tell me what I already know.

Suggestions on wtf to do?
December 29th, 2008 at 03:28am