Post Secret is a pretty cool site.

i heard about it though some friends and i checked it out.

I dont reallly want to take the time to make a postcard and send it in,
so i thought i'd try one on here
it wont quite be the same because the words dont come complete with a pretty personalized card but at least your secret is out

so if you'd like, post in a comment a secret
a secret you've always been dying to tell
a secret you're ashamed of
a secret you couldn't tell the closest person to you
a secret you just want the internet to know

I'll start,

I've always been paranoid that i'll die young.

I never told anyone that my step brother molested me...twice.

I honestly hope I never turn out like my mother.

I'm scared I'll never find the one I truely love. And end up with just somebody who wanted me.

I pray every night but I don't have much faith in god.

I'm paranoid my parents will find a way to hack into this and read the the things i've written and see the dirty fanfictions i read.
December 29th, 2008 at 10:43am