Drunk and out of my mind

if I knew everything there was to know;
I wouldn’t try anymore
I know absolutely nothing
and I never will know enough
I will die with only half the answers to life
I won’t save humanity or cure cancer or anything worth remembering
I’m just…another person of a million, in a million, I am not special or all that great
but I am me and I do like that the most
I am happy with being simple
I never care for celebrities; sure I love to worship them from time to time
But you know, I will never love them or hate them or anything worth remembering when I am an old woman and you’re kissing my cheek.

I rather sit at home with my best friend than sit down with them and fangaze. I never want to meet all the people I admire from afar. I’ll keep that way: far away and out of reach. I will never be their best friend, I never want to be. They don’t interest me outside of what they do. Yes, I can be obsessive but I am telling the truth: you > them
everyone has obsessions, don’t fault me.

I rather know the people close to me because those people are the ones worth knowing and loving. The faded and forgotten and forgotten. I don’t want them, I want you.

You have a chicken pox scar on your nose, and when you smile, one eye is bigger than the other, and you listen to too much rap and I really hate that. I really love that. And I hate how you always like to be right, and you always pick the right side and never the left.
You take horrible pictures. Most of the time, you’re pretty compulsive and witty.

You have a terrible singing voice. You infuriate the fuck out of me half the time. Your lip trembles a little when you get mad, and you cry, and it’s pathetic and it makes me want to punch you until all we both see is red. God, stop that shit. Stop that shit.

I love to hate you, but I think I mean, I hate to love you. I’m not sure which. See, it changes everyday. The words never do, always the arrangement.

Today I love you. (Again, you know what my love yous really don’t mean and do)

Ypu’re boring and simple and nothing’s great about you.

And that’s fucking perfect for me.
December 29th, 2008 at 01:18pm