I Crashed!!

Okay so me and my mom and brothers were driving to this dance thingy and we were going over the bridge and there was a ice truck parked on the other side and we were just driving and then we start to slide and we crashed into the little concrete wall thiny that keeps people from running into the river. It was fire truking scary!!! But it didn't do much damage to the car but i was afraid it would break and then we would fall into the river and either drown or die of hypothremea. But we didn't and we're alive!!!! Sooo my friends are coming over and since it is kind of warm and not freezing i think we are going to go down to this creek thingy thats like all mud and you get knee deep in it and i love mud!!!! its so fun we had this mud fight once i made my lil brother cry cuz it hit him in the face! >=) it was funny anywho i guess thats all see ya!
December 29th, 2008 at 10:01pm