Simply me.

I was never good at hello's and I always avoid goodbyes
I hate the thought of somthing new and loath an ending
I'm not the best at greetings and delay in seperations

So....I need someone. Somthing. To skip all of that.
Fuck the hello's; just come up and give me a hug while telling me your name.
Act like you've known me for years; chase the awkwardness away with playful slaps and kisses.
Tell me how your day went as if you always did.

And if it came time for us to part.
Don't you ever say goodbye.
No see you later's
Or see you around's.
No have a good nightt's
Or I''ll see you tomorrow's.

Just give me a hug; kiss; or slap on the back
And tell me somthing funny or interesting as you walk away.
And if you still want to know me; do the same the next day.

Might as well set fire to the memories
And walk from the fire as it burns.
There was no space left for new ones
I cluttered my head too much
With things I couldn't even call a memory...More like a haunt.
I'm starting over again and I'll still smile as if I don't even know you.
Because truthfully...I don't think I really ever did.


Things need to change. Wanna know a few secrets about me?
I lie.
I cheat.
I steal.
I drink.
I do things that shouldn't and havn't been forgiven. I have mental disorders. [Betcha couldn't of guessed that one]
And I'm driving myself literally insane.
I had to be threatened with an insane asylum for me to finally get my head out of my ass.
I'm not perfect
And I don't ever want to be.
We all have skeletons we keep buried deep. We all have problems we all make mistakes. Time to grow up. It's not like second grade anymore; I can't lie to someone and expect them to forgive me with a hug. I'm sorry for all of those I hurt. And this isn't an attempt to ask your forgiveness. Because I don't want it. I want to prove to myself that I can be a good friend; a good daughter; a good person. I'm going on a journey to find myself. The person I know I can be. Like I said before I'm not perfect...But I'm going to be closer to it than anyone else just because I know how..And just because I can.
But for now I'm just me; Simply Chloe.
December 30th, 2008 at 03:49pm