Breaking Dawn..and my obsession with it

[[Don't Read Unless You've Read The Book!!]]

Breaking Dawn in one word? Amazing.

Bella and Edward got married. Unevitable, but still made me smile! :)
Bella and Edward had sex. Crazy insane, but also good, I guess..
Bella wants to go to college. I thought that was a little selfish..but it made Edward happy, too.
Bella's pregnant. Awesome!
The baby might kill her. Very not good.. If I was in her position, though, I'd probably want to do the same thing..
Jacob has his own pack. Sad.. Jacob doesn't want to be a leader, but he doesn't want to be someone's slave. He refuses to MAKE anyone do anything they don't want to do, which is a little hypocritical since he tricked Bella into kissing him..
Leah is a werewolf. That has GOT to suck for her! Hearing Sam's thoughts about Emily.. wishing they were about her..

And that's where I stopped reading last night. I really didn't think I'd like the story from Jacob's point of veiw, but I guess that was because I was so used to Bella's.

I can't wait to see how the baby turns out..! In fact, I think I'll go read about it right now! ;)

Please comment! They're much appreciated! :D
December 31st, 2008 at 04:10am