My Year in Review.

I'm back from Minnesota, by the way. I didn't get nearly any writing done that I wanted to, but I'll work on it in the rest of this week. I really am sorry to my readers, but you guys know how crazy life can get, and how horrible writer's block is.
Anyway, year in review:

January: I met one of my now best friends in the world who has changed my life, saved my life, and inspired me to become who I am to this day.

February: I don't remember anything other than wearing red converse to school on the 14th and meeting Emily.

March: Visited colleges in Virginia with my mom and older brother, which has made me think a lot about my future.

April: Saw Panic at the Disco live, the first band that I really liked in the brand of music I love so dearly. Met one of my fake older brother at that concert, who has saved my life and inspired me. Discovered Phantom Planet at this concert. I was also in Peter Pan, the biggest show I've ever been in, and my favorite.

May: Finished school and went to London, England. Europe was amazing and a whole new life that I fell in love with.

June: Saw Narnia 2 Seven times in theatres, a great memory that I will hold forever

July: Vans Warped Tour. So much to say right here... Saw my fake brother and that was fun, saw Cobra Starship and Say Anything among other bands that have inspired me in the past. Hung out with Katlyn for some days after that when my family was out of town.
Went to a soccer camp that tested my limits, where I got so hot I was cold and where i almost passed out and everything was tinted yellow, but I learned a lot there and had a good time. I was in Urinetown and met three of some of the people I know I will be friends with forever, Katie, Hattie, and Rachel. Saw Phantom Planet, and went to Soundcheck [long story] one of my favorite concert experiences of all time, and even though the band is no longer together, they will be with me forever in my memory and my heart. I was introduced to a favorite band of mine, Electric Touch.

August: Urinetown, continued. One memerable moment was after rehearsal I saw Mama, Mia! with Ryan and Austin and our parents and I was falling asleep the whole time, tired of a week of rehearsals and the movie was boring too, then went to a midnight book release party... hehehe. Began school again. Saw Electric Touch again.

September: Saw Electric Touch again, a great experience even though I was in my volleyball uniform and my dad was mad that I missed part of a game to go see them. These boys have inspired me so much with their music and talking to them [multiple times]. They are really nice, and if you haven't heard them I seriously suggest you look them up.

October: I saw/met The Academy Is... and saw Carolina Liar, We The Kings, and Hey Monday with them. TAI were there for me when nobody was. When I was being cynical about all my friends, their music would take me to a great place and I'd forget all my worries. Met a huge jerk on Halloween at my friend's party, who to this day I have had many arguments [my friends support me, so it's all fine, though].

November: Saw Electric Touch... again. =] Went to a Jr. High Lock-In at my church where we played human halo and I dominated at Sardines [That's RIGHT, Anthony!]

December: I was in Sweeney Todd, during which I discovered that I do not want to do musical theatre, but be involved in tech work instead. Went to Minnesota and snowboarded for the second time in my life [I discovered the first day of the first time that I suck at skiing]. I got my shoes made into artwork by my best friend.

There are many events that I did not include here cause I forgot or didn't feel like it was an important thing that happened in 2009, but more likely the former. This is a shout out for all of my friends. I want to say how much I love you all and how glad I am that you have been a part of my 2008. I have met many people who will change my life, who have already changed my life. I hope that everyone has a great winter break!!

December 31st, 2008 at 04:24am