I Think Somethings Wrong With Me

I honestly think something’s wrong with me, not that I’m mental or an illness, I don’t need to go to an asylum or anything. It’s just that when I go to bed I can’t sleep. I stay up all night not feeling tired, I just can’t sleep. When I lay down and close my eyes sleep never comes and I have to tire myself out every single night, I have to stay up late enough so that I pass out because I can’t take it. It never uses to be this bad. I go to bed at 1am on weekends and during school term I go to bed at 10pm but a few months ago I started staying up until 1:30am just day dreaming. And then it stopped for a bit. But the last few nights after Christmas have been the worst. Staying up until 4:30am doing nothing because I can’t sleep. I do end up sleeping, because I’ve passed out but every night I get a maximum of 5 hours sleep, and that can’t be good for me. I now get up at like 11, 12AM instead of 8 or 9AM. All I do is sit there on this laptop writing stories, journals, anything to pass the time. Or I text people and sit there daydreaming. Sleep never coming. In the end I will end up getting into trouble with school and my parents because I might be late for school or I might fall asleep in class from exhaustion. What is wrong with me, I need some help, ideas, anyone? I have no idea what to do and I’m worried. I can’t go on like this, not sleeping and tiring myself out. No one knows what I’m going through and I think they should, but who should I tell and what should I do? Like tonight I would be going to bed at maybe 1 am as usual but I won’t fall asleep until maybe 3am and this is being written at 2am...so I have no idea.
I really need some help!
December 31st, 2008 at 05:58pm