Way to Ruin the holidays Time Warner Cable

so apparently at midnight tonight, time warner cable is shutting off MTV, Nick, THE N, and basically all the channels that matter :-|

Not that I'm a huge MTV fan, and Nickelodeon I really only watch Drake and Josh and iCarly, but this is absolute b-s. Telling us a day before, not even a day before, that you're shutting off the channels for good is absolutely pathetic.

Apparently, they might be able to resolve this problem before tomorrow, cause honestly if I lose the-N, I'm not watching TV. Plus, the America's Suitehearts video by FOB is premiering tomorrow and I was so excited for that :-|

Anyone else having this happen? Anyone else agree at how stupid this is? How nice will this be...

10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1..HAPPY NEW-*cuts to black*
December 31st, 2008 at 07:01pm