So 2008 is at its last day and soon we start 2009. So many things have happened not only to me, but to everyone living in every city/state/country/continent. We've had people die, but new people were born. We've had our hearts ripped apart, but only to remend soon after. Basically what I'm saying is 2008 had both positive and, also, negative things that have happened throughout the year to everyone.

There are some things I liked about 2008(such as):

-Meeting new friends in my school and also from other countries.
-Hanging out with my friends when school's not in session.
-Seeing family members I hardly get to see most of the year.
-Barack Obama winning the 2008 Presidential Election.
-Winter break.
-Spending the Holidays with the people I care about the most.

There are some things I didn't like about 2008 as well(such as):

-Having Ms. Bankert taking Ms. Simmens place as the NR teacher.
-Finding out someone I used to be friends with talked shit about me behind my back.
-Getting bullied on a daily basis in school.
-Someone setting my bookbag on fire during the 2nd week into the school year.
-The number of people getting killed in both the war in Iraq and in our neighborhoods.

As soon as I go back to school on monday, I hope I can start a new and focus more on my work and not on those bullying me. Life at my school may not be easy, but sticking close with friends, letting adults know about your difficult situations, and showing those harrassing you that you're not paying any attention to them will make it easier on both you and I. They say life gets more harder as a person gets older, but if we keep an open mind, keep away from violence/drugs, and focus on familys, friends, dreams, and goals, It'll become a whole lot easier. For the younger generations getting the right teachings and respectfulness, the future will always look bright for them.

If you want to chat more with me, go to this link, request me, and we can talk. Myspace
December 31st, 2008 at 08:12pm