
[16:22] x*drunkendrummer*x: Wow...So ok; I completely mis-read that....
[16:22] Aleanderapo: how did u?
[16:22] x*drunkendrummer*x: Idk; I took it as you saying I was like a drug in the "I want you for excitment" Kind of way.
[16:23] x*drunkendrummer*x: =\
[16:23] Aleanderapo: yeah it praticaly is
[16:23] x*drunkendrummer*x: Ok; so nvm; no I didn't. xD
[16:25] x*drunkendrummer*x: Hmm...*sits down on the bed and thinks for a minute*
[16:25] Aleanderapo: *sits next to you*
[16:25] x*drunkendrummer*x: *looks at the floor deep in thought*
[16:26] x*drunkendrummer*x: OK; question.
[16:26] x*drunkendrummer*x: Wat wud u describe love as?
[16:27] Aleanderapo: i dont have a clear cut description
[16:28] x*drunkendrummer*x: Just do the best you can.
[16:29] Aleanderapo: well i thought i knew,... then it was smashed and thrown back together then set on fire before i could read what it said. but honestly i think is a feeling of need and want and the only way to fill that is with the person u feel fills that void that missing part.
[16:30] x*drunkendrummer*x: Ok...And lust?
[16:31] Aleanderapo: lust... lust is something along those lines
[16:31] Aleanderapo: but its more want
[16:31] Aleanderapo: desireing
[16:31] Aleanderapo: hunger
[16:32] Aleanderapo: and can be linked
[16:32] x*drunkendrummer*x: What happens if it's a combination of both? What happens if at times I feel an un-containable urge and desire for that person but at other times I'm just glad that they're around and when they're not I feel...Kind of...Empty I guess...
[16:33] x*drunkendrummer*x: What would that fall under?
[16:33] Aleanderapo: when i say linked its possible for both
[16:34] x*drunkendrummer*x: What's it mean when it is?
[16:35] Aleanderapo: idk honestly..
[16:35] Aleanderapo: im still trying to figure it out
[16:35] x*drunkendrummer*x: *looks down and stays silent*
[16:36] x*drunkendrummer*x: *after awhile I look over at you*
[16:37] Aleanderapo: *looks up with the same look
[16:38] x*drunkendrummer*x: *hesitates* So if I feel both towards you...*trails off and looks down* *mumbles* Wat happens then?
[16:38] x*drunkendrummer*x: *gets up and shakes head. Nvm. Forget I said anything.
[16:38] x*drunkendrummer*x: I think I'm going to go.
[16:39] Aleanderapo: *sits there with the same feeling not knowing what to say*
[16:40] x*drunkendrummer*x: *heads towards the door* Sorry. I should stop. I need to stop. Chloe needs to keep her fucking mouth shut.
[16:40] Aleanderapo: why.. why do u hafto go?
[16:41] x*drunkendrummer*x: Because. We fucking decided. We don't feel towards anyone anymore.
[16:41] x*drunkendrummer*x: We're happy alone. We want no one. Need no one. These emotions we are feeling are just illusions created by our dreams that are filtering into our reality.
[16:42] Aleanderapo: ...okay
[16:42] x*drunkendrummer*x: And I will stop her before she ruins it.
[16:42] Aleanderapo: if yyou belive that then you can im not stopping you.. but if u ever change your mind.. ill be here... we'll be here
[16:43] x*drunkendrummer*x: Jake can kiss my ass.
[16:43] Aleanderapo: hahah which cheek sweetie?
[16:43] x*drunkendrummer*x: How about both you fag?
[16:44] Aleanderapo: why are you being like this? o.o whad i do?
[16:44] x*drunkendrummer*x: I've always been like this. Before you came and after you left.
[16:45] Aleanderapo: not rlly
[16:45] Aleanderapo: ive seen you better a moods before
[16:45] x*drunkendrummer*x: Oh yea; I forgot; that's when you tricked me into believe I could feel somthing else besides lust.
[16:45] x*drunkendrummer*x: *believing
[16:45] Aleanderapo: ..why dont you now>?
[16:45] x*drunkendrummer*x: What?
[16:46] Aleanderapo: why dont u feel other than lust? why cant you? u never asked me to make u feel different u never asked me how i felt
[16:46] Aleanderapo: fuckk his mom
[16:47] Aleanderapo: gg2g text the phone
[16:47] x*drunkendrummer*x: Ok.
Session Close (Aleanderapo): Mon Oct 13 16:48:20 2008

Session Start (XXxnighttxXX:Aleanderapo): Mon Oct 13 17:01:46 2008
[17:01] Aleanderapo: we feel we need you
[17:02] x*drunkendrummer*x: What?
[17:02] Aleanderapo: sry wrong buttton
[17:02] Aleanderapo: me and alex.. feel we need you..
[17:02] x*drunkendrummer*x: What do you mean "need" us?
[17:03] Aleanderapo: its more than just lust..
[17:03] Aleanderapo: way more than a simple addiction
[17:03] Aleanderapo: cant be just a desire
[17:04] Aleanderapo: too much emotion involved for that
[17:04] Aleanderapo: so as i sit up curious on what alex has to say i begin to understand
[17:04] x*drunkendrummer*x: What does he have to say...? The same..?
[17:06] Aleanderapo: basicly but his is more depth the attatchment is crutial to him
[17:06] x*drunkendrummer*x: *looks down struck into silence*
[17:06] Aleanderapo: *goes quiet
[17:07] Aleanderapo: i should stop
[17:07] x*drunkendrummer*x: No...
[17:07] x*drunkendrummer*x: All we ever did was stop it...
[17:07] x*drunkendrummer*x: *looks over at you* So what happens now? We just go on our ways?
[17:08] Aleanderapo: no i dont want that
[17:08] Aleanderapo: i want you but theres obsticals
[17:08] x*drunkendrummer*x: I know...there always is.
[17:08] Aleanderapo: and me tellign you to wait is getting old..
[17:09] x*drunkendrummer*x: *looks down in a silent agreement*
[17:09] Aleanderapo: if i go its cuz mom knocked
[17:09] x*drunkendrummer*x: Ok.
[17:10] Aleanderapo: i say.. we both come up with something.. and combine the two
[17:10] x*drunkendrummer*x: Come up with somthing?
[17:11] Aleanderapo: yes a plann on what to do?
[17:11] x*drunkendrummer*x: Well mine's smiple but I would rather not say it for the sake of not wanting to be a bad person...
[17:11] Aleanderapo: jsut say it
[17:12] x*drunkendrummer*x: *lloks down and mumbles inaudiably* You could just break up with her...
[17:12] Aleanderapo: thats the thing/
[17:13] x*drunkendrummer*x: I know; I know.
[17:13] Aleanderapo: i would but alex still/// hes confused
[17:13] x*drunkendrummer*x: About what?
[17:14] Aleanderapo: what to do who to go with i dont want to push him anymore.
[17:14] x*drunkendrummer*x: I don't either...And Chloe's insanity is prolly not helping things...
[17:15] Aleanderapo: its not hurting anything
[17:15] x*drunkendrummer*x: *sighs* So what do you propose we do?
[17:18] Aleanderapo: *looks over* untill we can..figure out what to do..
[17:19] x*drunkendrummer*x: Which'll take who knows how long..
[17:19] Aleanderapo: ...he do have the excuess of me
[17:19] x*drunkendrummer*x: Hmm?
[17:20] Aleanderapo: he does* maybe i can just play it and see where it goes
[17:20] x*drunkendrummer*x: You lost me.
[17:20] Aleanderapo: i can try and get rid of her
[17:21] Aleanderapo: without any of them knowing
[17:21] x*drunkendrummer*x: You sure you want to do that though? I would feel really guilty...
[17:22] Aleanderapo: ...why would i if i didnt
[17:22] x*drunkendrummer*x: Idk...I just want to make sure you're absolutly sure this si what you want...
[17:23] Aleanderapo: i am. alex on the ohter hand
[17:23] x*drunkendrummer*x: ...Can I try to get Chloe to talk to him?
[17:24] Aleanderapo: about?
[17:24] x*drunkendrummer*x: How he feels and such?
[17:24] x*drunkendrummer*x: I don't want to push him; I want him to do it on his own without jepordizing anything between you two.
[17:24] Aleanderapo: if you want
[17:25] x*drunkendrummer*x: Ok..er..just let me know when he's out; then I'll explain the situation to him and see how it goes from there..
[17:28] x*drunkendrummer*x: *sits on bed and waits patiently*
[17:31] Aleanderapo: .. whats going on...
[17:31] x*drunkendrummer*x: Hey Alex...It's Katie..
[17:32] Aleanderapo: hey.. why did he completly block me?
[17:32] x*drunkendrummer*x: We had to talk...
[17:32] Aleanderapo: about? -.-
[17:33] x*drunkendrummer*x: ....well...we both have strong feelings for eachother still..and...well we want to be together but we need your opinion I guess...
[17:33] x*drunkendrummer*x: Like I didn't want this to be just Jake's choice..
[17:33] Aleanderapo: ..but sarah...
[17:34] x*drunkendrummer*x: I know...That's why I wanted to talk to you...
[17:34] Aleanderapo: :/ ok.. talk
[17:35] x*drunkendrummer*x: You can't just keep cheating on her Alex. Chloe likes you still as well. Whether she'll admit it or not is a different story due to her sanity issues; but if you like her back...
[17:35] x*drunkendrummer*x: Unkess you're just using her as a toy...
[17:36] x*drunkendrummer*x: Maybe...Maybe you should consider the options..?
[17:36] Aleanderapo: ...ur saying it like its all my fault
[17:36] x*drunkendrummer*x: No! Nononono! Not at all...
[17:37] x*drunkendrummer*x: I'm just trying to give you options.
[17:37] x*drunkendrummer*x: You like Chloe right?
[17:37] Aleanderapo: like what?
[17:37] Aleanderapo: and yes..
[17:37] x*drunkendrummer*x: How strongly do you feel towards her?
[17:37] Aleanderapo: stronger that u think..
[17:38] x*drunkendrummer*x: Well then what's stopping you? Jake could be the one to break up with Sarah if you don't want to...And you can have Chloe and I could have Jake?
[17:38] Aleanderapo: ...but its deeper than that
[17:39] Aleanderapo: i can jsut let him be like "byhe
[17:39] Aleanderapo: bye*
[17:39] x*drunkendrummer*x: So don't?
[17:39] x*drunkendrummer*x: Tell him how to...?
[17:39] Aleanderapo: i promiased her i wouldnt...
[17:39] x*drunkendrummer*x: .....You promised her you wouldn't cheat as well...
[17:39] Aleanderapo: no jake did
[17:39] x*drunkendrummer*x: Oh so that makes it ok for you to?
[17:40] Aleanderapo: no... im just syaing...
[17:40] Aleanderapo: he does too..
[17:40] x*drunkendrummer*x: He does what?
[17:41] Aleanderapo: cheat
[17:41] x*drunkendrummer*x: Doesn't make it ok for either of you.
[17:41] x*drunkendrummer*x: Stop usuing eachother as an excuse.
[17:41] Aleanderapo: ...i know that
[17:41] Aleanderapo: ur jsut making me feel bad by making it seem like all my fault
[17:41] x*drunkendrummer*x: Well...You are the one who's cheating this time; not Jake.
[17:42] x*drunkendrummer*x: And you know better than to say it takes two to cheat because it only takes one to start it.
[17:42] x*drunkendrummer*x: And you knew Chloe wouldn't say no.
[17:42] x*drunkendrummer*x: Look; I don't want to get into a fight with you...
[17:42] Aleanderapo: so you are pinning it all on me
[17:42] x*drunkendrummer*x: No I'm not.
[17:43] x*drunkendrummer*x: Not all of it. I blame Chloe for going along with it as well.
[17:43] x*drunkendrummer*x: But either way it makes both of you bad people...You for doing it and her for going along.
[17:43] Aleanderapo: iknow im a bad person..
[17:44] x*drunkendrummer*x: You could change that...
[17:44] Aleanderapo: how do u propose that
[17:44] x*drunkendrummer*x: Either break it with Sarah or break it with Chloe..
[17:44] Aleanderapo: right now?
[17:44] x*drunkendrummer*x: How long would I have to wait if I was to say no?
[17:45] Aleanderapo: do u know how much this is tearing me up?
[17:45] x*drunkendrummer*x: Yes....
[17:45] Aleanderapo: i dont think you do
[17:45] x*drunkendrummer*x: I didn't say you had to Alex.
[17:45] x*drunkendrummer*x: You can still do whatever you want...
[17:45] x*drunkendrummer*x: Just wanted to give you a few more options.
[17:46] Aleanderapo: (Link: http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e228/xXxKiraraxXx/Gothicka%20-%20Horror%20-%20emo%20-%20evil/flesh-torn-apart.jpg)http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e228/xXxKiraraxXx/Gothicka%20-%20Horror%20-%20emo%20-%20evil/flesh-torn-apart.jpg
[17:46] Aleanderapo: that a good depiction
[17:46] x*drunkendrummer*x: Once again; I'm not making you do anything,.
[17:47] Aleanderapo: but what if i work on it but i cant change how things are immeditly
[17:47] x*drunkendrummer*x: What?
[17:47] Aleanderapo: what if i choose chloe and you/
[17:48] Aleanderapo: i cant just snap my fingers and change things
[17:48] Aleanderapo: theyre gonna take time to plot and do it
[17:48] x*drunkendrummer*x: We already have a plot. Telling us to wait is getting old don't you think?
[17:48] x*drunkendrummer*x: But do what you want.
[17:48] x*drunkendrummer*x: It's not my life to controll.
[17:49] Aleanderapo: whats ur plot?
[17:49] x*drunkendrummer*x: Use Jake as the excuse.
[17:49] x*drunkendrummer*x: He's the one who suggested it.
[17:49] Aleanderapo: how?
[17:49] x*drunkendrummer*x: Idk; ask him.
[17:49] Aleanderapo: he didnt tell you?
[17:49] Aleanderapo: i thouhgt u two "talked"
[17:50] x*drunkendrummer*x: [17:19] Aleanderapo: ...he do have the excuess of me
[17:19] x*drunkendrummer*x: Hmm?
[17:20] Aleanderapo: he does* maybe i can just play it and see where it goes
[17:20] x*drunkendrummer*x: You lost me.
[17:20] Aleanderapo: i can try and get rid of her
[17:50] x*drunkendrummer*x: That's all he told me.
[17:51] x*drunkendrummer*x: *looks over at you*
[17:52] Aleanderapo: *thinks deeply
[17:52] Aleanderapo: h.o...
[17:52] Aleanderapo: brb
[17:52] x*drunkendrummer*x: Ok...*sits down on the bed silently*
[17:54] Aleanderapo: can i talk to chloe\
[17:54] x*drunkendrummer*x: Um..yea..might take a minute to coax her out.
[17:57] x*drunkendrummer*x: Well hello hello [:
[17:57] x*drunkendrummer*x: May I know what's going on please?
[17:57] Aleanderapo: im in the same boat
[17:58] Aleanderapo: ... but they want to be together. k n j...
[17:58] Aleanderapo: and i have feelings too..
[17:58] Aleanderapo: whats ur take
[17:58] Aleanderapo: ?
[17:58] x*drunkendrummer*x: ...
[17:58] x*drunkendrummer*x: On..?
[17:59] Aleanderapo: this whole thing. what do u want?
[17:59] x*drunkendrummer*x: What I want? Isn't it up to you? If you both like Katie then I say go for her?
[18:00] Aleanderapo: no i like you
[18:00] x*drunkendrummer*x: *looks at you wide-eyed*
[18:00] x*drunkendrummer*x: I thought you only liked me as a toy?
[18:00] Aleanderapo: .... im sorry
[18:01] Aleanderapo: i didnt want... ill shut up.. you said u didnt want to hear any one else say that srry...
[18:02] x*drunkendrummer*x: No...I didn't want to hear anyone else say it because I don't care about them...
[18:02] x*drunkendrummer*x: You...You're not them...
[18:02] Aleanderapo: ... :/
[18:02] x*drunkendrummer*x: *doesn't know what to say*
[18:05] Aleanderapo: what do you want?
[18:05] x*drunkendrummer*x: *looks down* ...You..
[18:05] Aleanderapo: are you just saying that?
[18:06] x*drunkendrummer*x: Why would I be?
[18:07] x*drunkendrummer*x: Would you like me to go into detail describing how you make me feel to prove myself?
[18:07] Aleanderapo: it wouldnt hurt...
[18:08] Aleanderapo: cuz right now inm so confused on what to do
[18:09] x*drunkendrummer*x: Where to start...Let's see; everytime I'm in class and I know I'll get to see you even for a minute between classes my heart starts racing just because I'm going to be near you; and hear you talk; because alot of the time when you're not here I feel like somthing's missing.
[18:09] x*drunkendrummer*x: And everytime you hug me sometimes I wish you would never let go because for once I feel warm..safe..happy.
[18:09] Aleanderapo: i do too..
[18:10] x*drunkendrummer*x: You make me smile without even trying and even though I have physical needs for you; It goes much much depper than that...
[18:10] x*drunkendrummer*x: *deeper
[18:10] Aleanderapo: what do u mean deeper?
[18:12] x*drunkendrummer*x: It's almost....as is I need you...Like more than just physically...If it's not werid to say I feel sad; like a shell when you're gone even when it's over the weekend...And even just the thought of seeing you makes me happy...
[18:12] Aleanderapo: if we go through with this what about jew and them?
[18:12] x*drunkendrummer*x: Who gives a fuck?
[18:13] Aleanderapo: k
[18:13] x*drunkendrummer*x: They can say what they want; Idc anymore. As long as I have you and know you're happy I'm perfectly fine...
[18:13] Aleanderapo: srry
[18:14] Aleanderapo: it logged me out
[18:14] x*drunkendrummer*x: It's fine. What was the last thing yu got?
[18:14] Aleanderapo: me sending k
[18:14] x*drunkendrummer*x: They can say what they want; Idc anymore. As long as I have you and know you're happy I'm perfectly fine...I just don't want to see you upset.
[18:15] Aleanderapo: *smiles softly*

[18:17] x*drunkendrummer*x: *smiles back* If it's not too corney...You really are the world to me and seeing you upset is worse than you could imagine...especially being helpless about it.
[18:17] x*drunkendrummer*x: So please don't do anything that'll make you unhappy...
[18:18] Aleanderapo: ok
[18:18] x*drunkendrummer*x: *sits down on the bed and looks at my feet*
[18:20] Aleanderapo: *looks over*do i hafto choose now?>
[18:20] x*drunkendrummer*x: Last thing I want to do is rush it like last time..
[18:20] x*drunkendrummer*x: So....I'm leaving it up to you.
[18:20] Aleanderapo: ok
[18:24] x*drunkendrummer*x: *looks at me feet*
[18:27] Aleanderapo: *tilts ur head up to look at me* you make me happy..
[18:28] x*drunkendrummer*x: *smiles and pulls you into a hug; holding you tightly*
[18:29] Aleanderapo: *wraps arms around you*
[18:29] x*drunkendrummer*x: *rests head on your shoulder and closes my eyes*]
[18:29] Aleanderapo: *rests hea on urs*
[18:30] x*drunkendrummer*x: *looks up at you and lightly presses my lips to yours*
[18:31] Aleanderapo: *shivers from it*
[18:31] x*drunkendrummer*x: *pulls you even closer to me and kisses you passionatly*
[18:32] Aleanderapo: *gets lost in it*
[18:33] x*drunkendrummer*x: *does the same; not wanting it to end*
[18:33] Aleanderapo: *has to breath* xS
[18:33] x*drunkendrummer*x: xP *pulls back so you can take a breath*
[18:34] Aleanderapo: what about jason?
[18:35] x*drunkendrummer*x: You outshine him by a landslide.
[18:35] Aleanderapo: how so?
[18:35] x*drunkendrummer*x: He's more lust than anything for one.
[18:36] x*drunkendrummer*x: For two; I couldn't do that to my friend Jessica.
[18:36] x*drunkendrummer*x: And for three: He can't make me smile just be looking at me..
[18:36] Aleanderapo: oh.. k
[18:37] x*drunkendrummer*x: Unless you want me to go with him...?
[18:37] Aleanderapo: -.- ...
[18:37] x*drunkendrummer*x: ...What..?
[18:37] Aleanderapo: i wouldnt go thru telling you all this and be like ...
[18:37] Aleanderapo: nm
[18:37] x*drunkendrummer*x: Lol...I know; I was just wondering why you asked.
[18:38] Aleanderapo: idk. jc
[18:38] x*drunkendrummer*x: Ok..
[18:39] Aleanderapo: ...>.> sorry
[18:39] x*drunkendrummer*x: It's fine.
[18:40] x*drunkendrummer*x: So...*looks back down*
[18:41] x*drunkendrummer*x: Hey; I might have to go soon.
[18:42] Aleanderapo: ok.
[18:42] Aleanderapo: why are you looking down thou?
[18:42] x*drunkendrummer*x: Because I can?
[18:43] Aleanderapo: it says ur not sure..
[18:43] x*drunkendrummer*x: What do I have to be not sure about?
[18:44] x*drunkendrummer*x: Sounds like you're the one unsure..
[18:44] Aleanderapo: idk it just seems that way when ur looking down and stuff
[18:44] x*drunkendrummer*x: Well I'm not...
[18:45] Aleanderapo: k :]
[18:45] x*drunkendrummer*x: Smilie face? xP
[18:45] Aleanderapo: why not?
[18:46] Aleanderapo: xD
[18:46] x*drunkendrummer*x: Idk xD
[18:46] x*drunkendrummer*x: So real quick before I go; what happens tomorrow?
[18:46] Aleanderapo: with?
[18:46] x*drunkendrummer*x: Fuck; nvm; I gtg. Bbl.
[18:46] Aleanderapo: ok
[19:05] x*drunkendrummer*x: You still there?'
[19:05] Aleanderapo: yeah
[19:05] *** Auto-response sent to Aleanderapo: Paren'ts computer; don't message.
[19:05] x*drunkendrummer*x: Woo! Ok; nvm. Mr. Shaver was being dick =\
[19:05] Aleanderapo: ok
[19:06] Aleanderapo: cuz u left early
[19:06] Aleanderapo: ?

[19:06] x*drunkendrummer*x: No; I didn't have the fucking notary form that apparently no one else needed so I couldn't be there "legally" -___-
[19:07] Aleanderapo: oh
[19:07] x*drunkendrummer*x: You alright?
[19:07] Aleanderapo: for the most part
[19:08] x*drunkendrummer*x: ...What's wrong?
[19:08] Aleanderapo: working on "it
[19:08] x*drunkendrummer*x: It?
[19:08] Aleanderapo: yes
[19:08] x*drunkendrummer*x: What's it?
[19:08] Aleanderapo: ridding of her
[19:08] Aleanderapo: lol
[19:09] x*drunkendrummer*x: Oh...er...sorry...
[19:09] Aleanderapo: lol no its fine
[19:09] Aleanderapo: its gonna be quite a process
[19:09] Aleanderapo: but i think itllwork if alx helps
[19:09] x*drunkendrummer*x: How?
[19:10] Aleanderapo: to much to splain now
[19:10] x*drunkendrummer*x: Wait; you're doing it right now?
[19:12] Aleanderapo: talking
[19:14] x*drunkendrummer*x: Ok..*sits down and bites my lip* Do you want space..er..?
[19:14] Aleanderapo: naw ill be okay
[19:14] Aleanderapo: xD
[19:14] Aleanderapo: shes pushing back
[19:14] x*drunkendrummer*x: Pushing back?
[19:14] Aleanderapo: mh,,
[19:14] Aleanderapo: mhmm
[19:15] x*drunkendrummer*x: Would it be too nosy to ask what that means?
[19:15] Aleanderapo: like she has a hunch im trying to cut her off
[19:15] Aleanderapo: and shes alll like rahh
[19:16] x*drunkendrummer*x: Oh ok..lol.
[19:16] x*drunkendrummer*x: *hugs you from behind anyway*
[19:16] Aleanderapo: i love it whenu do thsat
[19:16] Aleanderapo: :]
[19:17] x*drunkendrummer*x: I'll be sure to do it more often then xP
[19:17] Aleanderapo: ll kayz
[19:18] x*drunkendrummer*x: *pulls you into my lap and tests head on your shoulder*
[19:18] x*drunkendrummer*x: *rests
[19:18] Aleanderapo: mmm ^___^
[19:19] x*drunkendrummer*x: *smiles and wonders* Are you one of those guys who don't like getting their back scratched?
[19:19] Aleanderapo: i fucking love that
[19:19] Aleanderapo: >.>
[19:20] x*drunkendrummer*x: Woo! *starts scratching your back* xP
[19:20] x*drunkendrummer*x: I'm on a roll today xD
[19:20] Aleanderapo: xP
[19:21] x*drunkendrummer*x: *gently traces circles on your shoulders and makes patterns on your back*
[19:22] Aleanderapo: *shivers slightly*
[19:25] x*drunkendrummer*x: *smiles and wraps my arms around your waist and kisses your shoulder*
[19:28] Aleanderapo: mmm :}
December 31st, 2008 at 08:32pm