A New Year [2009]

Wow, 2009...

This is a different year.
It's a new year, with a new president, our first African American president, which is an amazing step for America. We have new goals, and new ambitions. We are all going to end up going for that new year's resolution that we will never keep. We're all gonna go to a party tonight and hang out with friends. Watch the ball drop in New York City and Hollywood. Then scream our heads off, making all of the adults mad. Tomorrow some of you will wake up with a hangover. Some of you will wake up and wonder how you got there. Some of you will remember having an amazing night and a lot of fun. But when you wake up tomorrow, remember that it's a new year and anything can happen, but make sure it's something you want to happen. Don't think of this as just another new year. Think of it as the first day of the rest of your life. You'll never live this day again, so make it count.

Thanks for reading and Happy New Year...

-Taylor xo ;-)
December 31st, 2008 at 08:56pm