chores, how i hate them!

My grandma is one of those people who like clean. I hate it. This pass two days we had to arrarnge my room twice. We have to do it again tommarow. (Joy!) I dont know many kids my age who likes to glean all the time. I would like a years rest from house chores. I think I might talk to my mom about boreding school so the only chores I have to do is clean my doorm. Iwish my grandma would slow down a little and lose her attiude. Most kids have nice grandmothers. Well mines the other way around. She is really bossy and beastly. For some reason she as a gruge for me. She all ways yells at me for no reason. I yell back. Once she throw ny dresser drewer at me. Man i got really mad. She thinks I have to be the one who dose all the chores. She dosent like my sisters either. For some reason she just loves my little brother. The only chores he has to do is his bed room. Chores really wears someone down over time, causing them to go mad, which is whats happening to me right now.
December 31st, 2008 at 09:24pm