Zombie Apocalypse.....dundundun!

This is just a semi retarded story that happened to me about 2 days ago.
I was at my friend Elayna's house wand we decided to go to the movies and we had her dad drop us off. Well, after the movie we went to the mall and Pac Sun or whatever other store i could drag her into.

So, after a little more than an hour we decided to call her dad to pick us up because it was freezing outside and we were at The Block, this giant outdoor mall type thing with a shitload of awesome stores. :)

When he came to pick us up we got in the back of the truck and Indie 103 was playing. It was talking about the Zombie Apocalypse and he turned to look at us (mind you he was still driving) and said "What will you do when the Zombies attack?"

I said i didnt know and Elayna just said "Daaad."
He then said "How are you going to kill them?''
elayna and I suggested a knife at first to which he replied "thats too close. They could still kill you."
So we said grenade launcher (sp?) and he said "that'll only work if theyre at a distance and in a group."
by now we were a block or 2 from her house, then he asked us were we go when the attack happens and I said the Cerritos mall. We were right! He said they have restaurants and amo and everything else we need so, all humans go to the Cerritos mall.

then on Indie 103 they were playing this creepy music and said that it was the Zombie Apocalypse music. We were sitting in the car in front of Elayna's house. and her dad would not let us out! He said we couldnt leave until we knew what we were going to do. So we started yellig for Elayna's mom and she came out and stood on the porch holding Elayna's little brother Antonio, telling Elayna's dad to let us out. he let us ot after like 15 minutes of us screaming for not letting us out so we decided to scream as high pitched as possible to annoy him. :D

It was like an hour later and like, 12 or so at night and we thought everyone was asleep so we just sat up and watched TV in her room. It was super quiet and all of a sudden her dad burst in the room yelling, he scared the shit out of us! She fell off her bed and almost landed on me (I was on the floor, because its more comfortable in my opinion.)

Then he said "Told you, if I was a zombie you wouldnt know what to do." and he left.

Needless to say that was one of the funnier things that ever happened to me. Apparently, her dad does that almost daily. I have no clue why though. hahahahaha

In other news, comments are apprecitated and I'm going to Disneyland on January 2nd with a crap load of my friends to celebrate absolutely nothing! just for fun. :)
January 1st, 2009 at 02:35am