Favorite Music of 2008

Everywhere I look I see countdown lists of the “best songs of 2008”, and I thought, I can do that. Sure, I spent most of the year delving into old music I had forgotten about (thank God I finally found my Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness CD!!!) but I also had time to enjoy some new stuff. Some of these songs may not have come out this year, but I discovered them this year, and it’s my list therefore, my rules.
So, without further ado – and in no particular order – here are some of the songs I had on repeat this year.

As Tall as Cliffs – Margot & the Nuclear So and So’s (who just so happen to be from my hometown) have really outdone themselves on this song. The version I found on their myspace is a bit different from the one I own, but it’s still beautiful. I can’t talk to you the way I’ve wanted to, I’ve been telling lies but I’ll tell you the truth – definitely the theme of my whole year.

The ’59 Sound – I’ve actually just discovered this song by The Gaslight Anthem not too long ago. It’s nothing too musically different, but I feel like it goes back to my alternative/rock roots. Safe yet still interesting. It’s plain good.

Technicolor Eyes – Backseat Goodbye. Simple, honest, reminds me of my best friend. Plus, it has hand clapping!

Tourist Trap – I’m a little ashamed to say that I’ve only really gotten into Bright Eyes this year, but I’m catching up quickly. This is my favorite; it repeated for hours (eight on one day, to be exact) as I almost breathlessly waited for my favorite line: In the spring, when the world’s turning green, I only think about the fall.

Dawn of the Dead – Not only do they have a really cool name – Does It Offend You, Yeah? – but I first heard them on a local radio station, and I so rarely hear brand new music this way. Not in a city full of country, classic rock and talk radio!

Electric Feel – MGMT
Flathead – The Fratellis
Both of these are just feel good songs that make me want to dance, but in very different ways. Electric Feel is mellower while Flathead is upbeat and definitely one to blare in the car.

Three More Days – Ray LaMontagne, oh Ray LaMontagne! He’s been around for quite some time and is probably my second favorite artist that I discovered this year. I always know my day will be okay when I hear something, anything, by him in the morning! His music ranges from bluesy to folk and his voice a husky/scratchy combination that could make the Barney theme song your new favorite. His sound makes me smile.

Bulletproof Weeks – Matt Nathanson
Where I Stood – Missy Higgins
Please Stop Time – Tyler Ramsey
All three of these are what my friend would call “downers”, but if you know me, you’d see pieces of my year in them. They’re all beautiful in their depressing way, and Please Stop Time is the saddest song I’ve ever heard.

Why Can’t You Be – You can’t honestly think I could make a list and not put Third Eye Blind on it, now could you? After five long years of waiting, they’ve finally released new music with the promise of more. !!! This is a great song, starting off a little silly but quickly growing serious, a poignant recollection of lost love. Stephan Jenkins is an amazing writer and never fails to touch something in me.

And my last worthless little recommendation isn’t a song, it’s an artist. I can’t pick one favorite song by Ferraby Lionheart, so I’ll pick them all. Yes, he has a funny name, and yes, it’s real. Sure, he’s labeled as a folk artist and recorded most of his EP in his living room. But his lyrics! Simple and whimsical and reflective. Take Elliott Smith and Bright Eyes, smash them together, squeeze out the darkness and sarcasm – what’s left is Ferraby Lionheart. Suggestions? Tickets to Crickets, A Crack in Time, Something to Love, Youngest Frankenstein, Put Me In Your Play… want me to name them all?
He is my favorite find of 2008 and I’m surprised I didn’t wear a hole in his CDs.

Oh, and if anyone cares, my first song of 2009 will probably be In the New Year by The Walkmen because it’s appropriate and relatively positive by my standards.
January 1st, 2009 at 05:52am