I Think I Need A Restart

You know the past three years I don't think I've really been a christian. I've just been accepting that there's a God. Anyone can do that, can say that there is a great I Am out there. But I want to believe in him with my heart and my soul. I want to cry in church again. I want to hear his voice, his quiet voice that has long been overpowered by my selfishness and clinging to the world.

I just want to let go. To stop questioning him. All these things that I don't want nagg at me and weigh me down and I hate it. So if your a christian can you pray for me? This girl, Catie Daly who is in deep need a new salvation that will truly change her. Please.

I want to get home one day, I want to be there with those I love. At the rate I'm going though... I'm not sure I'll make it. With all these thoughts pressing in on me and all this filth in my heart. How am I supposed to be part of the body of Christ? It doesn't make sense.

So I leave myself with this. It feels like there's chaos, but some how there's peace.
January 1st, 2009 at 08:40am