I am an Addict.

So, fuck my life. Seriously. I promised myself I wouldn't do this again, but there I was, being sucked into this web of gossip, and I was last (like always) in the pecking order. Like really, how hard is it for me to just go and have a few beers? How hard is it for me to go and not do drugs? HOW FUCKING HARD???

What the fuck ever. I am so over these pretty, bitchy frienemies that is like insane. Its the same every weekend.

First, I plan on staying home and getting shit done.
Then they text me like "Heyy, party at 'Jeff's' you in?"
And so I am like "I really need to get shit done."
Then they say "like, okay just blow us off then."
So I cave in cause I hate making people feel bad and I dont want to face the wrath of this girl and then i end up getting blown off my ass and hooking up with a random guy like a needy little slut.

I really just wanna be sober for like, a week.

(Is it obvious that I am coming down? Fun shit.)
January 1st, 2009 at 12:05pm