next year i want a better new years eve!

New Years Eve....

oh wow.

I don't hate you.
I did right then,
when I turned around and saw it.
I wanted to punch you in the face.
but I don't now.
I'm a little annoyed still.
but we'll be fine.

It's not your fault.
you didn't know.
and now you do.
and you say things won't change.
but I know they will.
don't be sorry
if you like her, go for it.
if it was just...a thing you did, cool.
being friends with you is more important
than being more.

I'm sorry, I feel like a gave you two the cold shoulder
the rest of the night.
you know, with the whole avoiding you guys..
I couldn't face you two with out wanting to just break down.
and I definitely didn't want to do that.
I wasn't ready to face the facts.

we're cool now though right?
its a new year.
a new start
we'll all be fine.

I hope.

my new years resolution?
To finally be with the person i love.
January 2nd, 2009 at 12:27am