Baby, I'll be your electric shock.

[ Radio | Cash Cash ]

“Originality is the one thing which unoriginal minds cannot feel the use of.”
- John Stuart Mill

I do not have any intentions of apologizing to you for behaving the way I do, listening to the types of music that I do, writing what I write, or speaking the things I say.

I wish I could make it as clear to you as I am trying to make it, that I do not wish to be like you. Have we not already established that I am different from you?

You listen to mainstream rock. I listen to rock, rap, hip hop, indie, electronica, country, swing, jazz, big band, orchestra, classical piano, opera, ballads, oldies, and brit pop, as well as many others that I'm sure I'm forgetting.

You dress in all black. I like colors.

You do not read. I would not be the person I am without books.

You pile on make up. I prefer minimalist make up.

I take pride in the fact that I am not like you. Not at all like you. Have you ever stopped to consider that might be why we get along so well?

If I were exactly like you, what purpose would I be to you?

I wouldn't.

Please don't try to make me change.
January 2nd, 2009 at 01:20am