
Just... whoa.
So I totally stayed up all night talking,and of course looking up some stories on Mibba*. because I wanted to take the hour drive at 6:00 A.M. for Starbucks. Yummy. Well, kinda. My absolute fav is a mint chocolatey chip frappucino, but hey dont have it, so I got a peppermint mocha frappucino instead.

Yeah, I guess that is the lameness of a life 20 minutes away from everybody with a dead car battery.

Good news! I am going to be an auntie twice sometime this month. Ah! A non-biological auntie TWICE.

Okay, freak out time is over. The hamster called Harry needs sum luvins.


*Into The Depths We Go by Raychel.Vengance (whose name is spelled waayy cooler than mine) is pretty psychedelic. No effin lie.

mucho amor;

ps: that was totally not spam ^^ i just liked it a lot (:
January 2nd, 2009 at 06:56pm