You've got balls of fire ;)

why is it that i always seem to write journals when i have a cold?!
why is it that i always seem to have colds?
im sat here playing my music probably a bit too loud and my ears hurt
but its not being turned down for anyone.

this holiday has been the best holiday ever.
ive loved every minute of it
thank you so much to my friiiends. i would say family but they didnt do that much for me

tbh atm i dont like my family.
and idk why
theyre just pissing me off alot
well mainly my brother hes just an ass hole and he keeps winding me up
but he doesnt get into trouble ¬¬
its just me for shouting at him or whatever
family life is so unfair sometimes
i hate it when they laugh at me for getting angry aswell
ive cried alot today.
i havent cried in a while so i guess its good for me (:

actually thats a lie i cried on christmas
for pretty much the same reason
then i got a bit tipsy and i was good ;D

New year was a lot of fun shizz
i got a bit drunk
and made a bit of a fool of myself
ooh dearr...
i told someone i wouldnt marry him unless he changed his name to Juan Pedro Enrique Rodriguez III
and gave my number to one of the biggest creeps ever :|
oh well it was fun nontheless

everybody else have a good christmas and new year and stoofs?
back to school kinda excited to see my friends again...not the hideous amount of work im going to get ¬¬
January 2nd, 2009 at 08:43pm