rose bowl parade

so yesterday i slept all of 50 minutes before driving up to LA to go see the 90th rose parade! it took us forever and a day (or so it seemed, it was really like 2 1/2 hrs) but we got there and i even snagged a sopt right on a curb, only behind like two or three people! xD

anyways i promised Delichka i would put up pics from the parade. i took like 200 so im having trouble deciding which ones to use so here are a few to begin with and i will add more later tonight when i get home :]

ITS ASIMO!!!!!!!! and with him is the theme of this year's parade: Hats Off to Entertainment

JACK HANNAH IS ON THAT FLOAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
in case you didnt catch on, i really like Jack Hannah and his animals :D
and how David Letterman always does something silly wiht Jack Hannah's animals when they come to visit :]

TOMMY TROJAN!!!!!!!!!!
we kicked some Penn State butt, didnt we Tommy? xD hehe

this one is joyce's favorite :]
joyce is better know as maesaysdance
go check her out!

okay there are 4 for now. i will go through the other floats and add one or two more pics later. i'm kind of leaning towards the kaiser float and the new mexico float, but i havent decided fer sure.

hope everyone else had a good new years day! i know, despite being sleep-deprived, i did. :]
January 2nd, 2009 at 10:03pm