ADIB So Far.

Mood: Happy but cold
Listening to: Nine Inch Nails
Reading: Interview with the Vampire and kinky stories on here ;)
Watching: Some documentary about prog rock
Playing: Guitar Hero 3 :D
Eating: A straw
Drinking: Orange juice with ice (yes, I know its the middle of Winter in Wales but I like ice!)

Hey! I've had a pretty productive day of going out to get a pizza, coming home and eating it and sitting around on the P.C! I really should be writing more, I know, but I'm naturally a very lazy person. Just so you know I have up to chapter 13 done so thats cool but after that I have nothing. I've started on chapter 14 but I haven't gotten very far yet. And now I have to worry about my GCSEs so I don't know how much I'm going to be writing or how often I'll be posting from now on. Sorry!

I also want to say thank you to the people who are reading A Day in Bridgend and commenting. Its great to know people are enjoying my writing. :)

Keep commenting and stuff please!
January 2nd, 2009 at 11:11pm