I'll love you forever... until tomorrow

Ever notice that everyone talks about how much they love their significant other? They're always like, "OMG I love them so much! We'll be together forever! I can just feel it!" Then the next day they break up and hate each other. Then the NEXT day they both are dating different people and saying how much they love THEM instead of the person they were just dating? WTF?! I CAN'T FUCKING STAND IT!!!! Sure, it's great being with somebody but don't fucking go, "OMG I bet we'll get married!" cause you probably won't! Nobody knows what love is, but we all toss the word around like it's nothing, when really it's everything! And people say hate is such a strong word and not to use, well isn't love a strong word too?

I'll love you forever... until tomorrow.
January 3rd, 2009 at 04:10am