The Gunslinger > Edward Cullen

So, first of all, I'm tired and I'm going to bed soon.

I just feel like spewing out some words before i go to bed.

I bet you're wondering about the title. Well, the other day, i was watching the movie Seven Pounds off of the internet. It was a good movie. I was in a chat with my friend, and I sent her the link to the video, and she watched it too. Then, as if the concept of watching movies off the internet illegally was new to her, she asked me if I could find Twilight for her.

Mind you we are both exchange students here in Germany and the movie isn't out here yet, and when it is, it'll be in German.

So i found it, and since I had the video up and running i decided to watch it myself.

Now, i ran quite a risk watching this movie. Being male and all, my manhood could possibly have been erased. Luckily, i think i made it out okay.

So, off the bat i could tell why this book was so popular with you guys. Misfit girl who likes reading more than dresses meets a vampire. Whats not to like? To be honest, I prefer a girl like that. I thought Bella was a babe. ;)

But Edward did not impress me at all. First of all, he Jizzed in his pants way to much.


I burst out laughing when i saw that in the movie. Ahh. Hilarious. Thats why he kept skipping class, because she made him jizz in his pants.

Original Jizz video here in case you were wondering

Yeah, and what a creep. I tell ya. He talks all weird and he has no social skills, you'd think for a guy who's been living for as long as he has been, you'd kinda develop some ability to interact socially.

And he stares. Good lord. So what if you're into a girl, you don't just stare at her like a pervert.

Then, to top it all off, he uses his sneaky vampire powers to spy on her while she sleeps. And she doesn't know about it.

Give me a 'C' Give me an 'R' Give me an 'EEP'!

What does that spell? Creep!

There's nothing wrong with liking watching someone sleep, but they should kinda know you're there. Its pretty not cool to sneak into a girls room and watch her sleep.

And thank god for google or else Bella would've never figured out he was a vampire lol.

Actually, Alice was way hotter than Bella. Not gunna lie. I'd let her predict my future ;) ;)

Today i've seen more journals about boy problems than ever before. And its sad. I feel sorry for you girls. You deserve better than what you're describing in these journals.

Now, if you all got the hotts for Edy boy because he can go super fast, or he's super strong, or doesn't sleep (something i personally think would suck). Then fine, he's got me beat. I'm not very strong nor am i fast.

But unlike Edward, I'm not a freaking creeper, and I can treat as well as he can (minus the vampire stuff)

I was not impressed by Twilight.

And shit, no, I not attempting to get you guys to date me or something. Never. No. Not interested in Mibba romances. :P Go ahead and talk to me if you want, I welcome conversation gladly.

And damn. Was this kinda self centered of me? I'm actually more humble. I have a pretty low opinion of my self at most times.

I unno.

Just don't expect every boy you meet to be potentially Edward. Unless its me. ;) or some other guy. Cause surely i can't be the only nice guy out there who can treat someone right.

Anyways, I have no idea where this is going. So i'm just going to stop typing and go to bed.
January 4th, 2009 at 12:40am