[49] Twenty Things That I Don't Really Feel Bad About...

1) Cheating on my science final. I need a good grade.

2) Stealing my original science final so that I could retake it so that I could cheat.

3) Ditching my "best friend".

4) Stabbing a kid in the hand.

5) Injuring people.

6) Not going over to my grandparents' house EVERY FRICKING SUNDAY..

7) Telling my parents to tell my grandma who lives in Omaha that I'm not there or in the bathroom whenever she calls.

8) Making fun or Richard Nixon for my band's myspace default picture.

9) Watching C.S.I. New York instead of sleeping.

10) Putting my sleeping pills in my pocket when I'm supposed to take them, instead of actually taking them.

11) Wearing make-up even though my parents don't want me to.

12) Wondering how good of a kisser one of my good friends' brother is.

13) Calling her a whore behind her back, and then pretending to be her friend.

14) Being bi-curious.

15) Telling my mom that I wish she'd die/fall down the stairs.

16) Breaking the wall.

17) Lying constantly to authority figures in order to get myself out of trouble.

18) Stealing Sharpies, pencils, and erasers from the art room.

19) Strangling Emily.

20) Faking sick almost ALL THE TIME in order to get out of classes that I didn't do my homework for.

I totally stole this from DearJanuary. :]
But, anyway... Now you do it, if you'd like! It doesn't have to be 20, by the way... Hers was 10...
Do whatever you wish!

January 4th, 2009 at 03:51am