Maybe Someday......

Alright its been another month since i havnt been on here. AGAIN. And i feel shit-E-er and shit-E-er every time i come back. Comes with falling of the Earth too many times i guess.

Anyways with being the slow person i am, a month or so ago i was thinking of putting up an update saying "A STORY WILL BE COMING SOON!" Well i have some news for you guys...


How fun is that?

Im not done with it yet so i wouldnt know.

Not giving everything away but i will tell you, its an original plot of mine but off the old styles of pulp fiction writing. Like the stories film niors were made from. If you dont know about a film nior or a pulp ficiton. Its basically a story that doesnt get any better. From Good to bad to worse.

Sorry but the story is not coming out until most of it is on paper.

Yay lets all celebrate the news now! Any suggestions for good dire situations are welcome 'cause the ending is on the vague side right now.
January 4th, 2009 at 12:18pm