To a friend.

I'm not going to say that you'll get over her. I've been recouperating from a breakup for the past 18 months and i still havent entirely healed. Sometimes things like that never do, but ultimately finding peace doesn't really involve forgetting now does it? It takes awhile, but all that one really needs to do is find that sense of contentment with a situation. Kind of a mind over matter sort of thing. Emotion is never something to be easily ignored, so the trick is most definitely not to numb yourself, but rather to smile and accept the situation as fact even though it sucks. It's always hard to see things as they truly are when the wound is fresh, and adding more salt obviously doesn't help, but in time, it will get better. Its cliche' isn't it...the expression "In time, this too, shall pass.", but there are reasons for why expressions as such are so commonly used. Reason being: therein lies truth.

Get well soon.
January 4th, 2009 at 08:14pm