Missing my Laptop

It's been 3 weeks without my poor baby =[.
It broke down a week before christmas eve, and it was meant to be for Christmas, just that my mam let me have it in Novemeber for "college work"

And it's the longest I had to wait for something! I'm pretty impatient, but it's not just that I want my laptop back so I don't have to use other people computers (although, that is one of the reasons because I would hate it if I messed up their computer somehow so they could blame me...) I miss it because of all my stuff.

Like my music! I'm not a crazed music fan that will HAVE to listen to music, it's just nice to unwine and listen to my favourite beats. My writing, ohgosh. That's what I'm missing the most! I've been hopping onto my brother's computers, and they both have XP and no Word 2007! My boyfriend's computer (we shared it until I got my laptop) has got Word 2007, and I sent him verisons of my story, but I'm so far behind on the last one I sent him. =[.

And the problem with my laptop? The charger. It's only the charger that's bust, and I'm scared incase they wipe out all my things because I need my writing pieces, and my college work since my college network is... well... not good. So I have to keep everything on my laptop. It'll be for my portifilo, but I'm not going do Graphics at University, I'm going do my A-Levels.

I'm getting myself so excited about them! And I'm quite a laid back person, I never enjoyed doing homework, but I want to do homework and study all the time! Before I was excited about them, like I felt like the world was just passing me by and everything was going twice as fast than usual. But since I know I want to do A-Levels (English Lit&Language combined, Physcology, Drama and Film Studies is what I'm thinking) I feel like I have a purpose.

And my new years resolution? Too many. Eat more healthier, stop my habbits (biting nails mainly, I know =[), stop being a pushover, be more enthaustic, and don't let things bother me as much.
Like, something that really pains me, but yeah sure, it hurts, but that's all I'm going think. I don't want to be one of them people who gets depressed and stay depressed for ages, like I used to be. I've got my bestfriend Laura and my boyfriend Wayne. And my family ofcourse, who just recently all came together ^_^.

Hah, thanks for reading this far. I just really needed to get all that off my chest, lmfao. There's more things, but I prefer not to put them in text just yet.
January 5th, 2009 at 03:27pm