
y do i suffer so much pain and misery? y do u enjoy my suffering heart? do u mock me for the fun of it or b/c im easy target? well, my life is a living hell and i cant bare it. that is y i cut. that is why i try to commit suicide. can u hear me? i can hear ur disdainful voice. that scars o my wrists and legs r nothing but a joke 2 u. the pain i suffer is not enough for u. so u cause even more pain, mixed with misery and torture. i am not a creation of u, i am a creation of God. damn it, i will kill myself if u dont stop ur mocking. good, u finally take me serious. finally, someone is listening 2 me. now, i wont kill myself, but i do wnt someone to listen to wat i hav to say.
January 5th, 2009 at 11:26pm