Religious Tolerance

A few days ago, while I logged in to my Blogspot account, I stumbled upon a 21-year-old girl’s Blog that started like this: “A few weeks ago, exactly the 20th of December, a cousin of mine got married and the priest compared my cousin to the Virgin Mary.” She had an entry about how much she was offended by the fact that her cousin was compared to Mary. She argued that Mary was an ignorant peasant, controlled by the sexism in those times and several other insults.
I was angered by what she wrote. First of all, she thinks she is so intelligent and superior to Catholics because she is a self-proclaimed atheist. I’m neither catholic, nor Christian nor in any other religion. Though I’m not atheist, I do believe there’s some hidden truth at the end. But her accusation of Mary was just immature. As intelligent as she believes herself, she didn’t took in account the fact that the priest believed Mary to be an all wise, powerful saint, AND mother of god. For that priest, calling someone Mary is a flattering act. That girl is just to messed up and has a grudge against religion.
I personally think that believing in Mary is nothing to be criticized about. The way one believes in her is what makes her what she is. If you think she was good and helpful, wise and just happy, and you follow her example, well, then that good. But I hate it when someone criticizes another’s religion. When I was in junior high, I was extremely against the church, well, I was extremely immature. Just live and let the others live. And if for you being called Buda is an insult (calling you fat and with big ears), just remember that for the budhist that called you that, it was the biggest compliment he had (calling you saint, wise, and enlightened). That 21-year-old girl was my sister…
January 7th, 2009 at 01:10am