Bands You May Enjoy : Part Two

Dillinger Escape Plan - Black Bubblegum OR Milk Lizard
Pelican - Drought
Eagles of Death Metal - Cherry Cola
Death From Above 1979 - Push Out
Gary Jules - Mad World OR Falling Away
In Flames - Mirror's Truth OR Colony
He Is Legend - I Am Hollywood OR Dinner With a Gypsy
Live - Dolphins OR Lightning Crashes
Mastodon - Colony of Birchmen OR Bladecatcher
Maylene and the Sons of Disaster - Tough As John Jacobs
Cancer Bats - Hail Destroyer OR Pneumonia Hawk
Polar Bear Club - ANYTHING
Meshuggah - Combustion OR ObZen
The Modern Lovers - Hospital
The Number Twelve Looks Like You - Like a Cat OR Grandfather
Bring Me the Horizon - Rawwrr!!
The Receiving End of Sirens - Planning a Prison Break OR Intermission

Some are older, some are newer. Good stuff.
January 7th, 2009 at 03:57am