My belated New Years Greetings and a story recommendation

Happy belated New Year fellow Mibbians! Sorry I'm at tad late. I've been busy getting back into the school groove. Can you believe that the first day back I had a freaking math test first thing in the morning? Well, there was a 2 hour delay, but the minute we walked in the door my teacher announced the test wasn't cancelled. Maybe I got a good score on this one because I took it at 9 am vs. 7 am.

So I only want to take a moment to blab about one of the stories I've recently read on the site. It's called Breathe Me by brighteyes (I think that's their user name. Sorry if I'm wrong). But anyways, it's a Brendon Urie fanfic with a twist- he's a vampire. It's similar to Twilight because he falls in love with a human but the story differs from that of Twilight, so you don't feel like you're reading a Twilight remake. I'd post the link but it's on my itouch right now and can't. Moving on, this story really moved me, becoming my favorite on the site. I hope you can find the story and give it a chance.

Now, about school. This are going good for now, minus the fact that finals are in a matter of weeks. Tolo is coming up on the thirty first, but I don't think I'll go. I have no one to ask a d I don't really dance. I think my other single friends and I are planning on having a spend-the-night at someone's house that night so we have something to do.

Otherwise, things around here are good. The who is finally gone, but now it's crazy windy. I thought the snow was bad, but now I really don't want to leave the house for fear that I'll blow away! Honestly though, I don't want to see another snowflake until next winter. I've never seen that much snow in my life.

I'll stop before I start rambling. Hope everyone had a good holiday season and a happy new year!
January 8th, 2009 at 02:02am