Update 1/7/09

I've decided that sense I've not been on mibba for a while now; I'd write you all a "blog" entry.

A couple days ago I started to go back to a public school called "South High School." It has a bad reputation for drugs, gang violence, and other violence. But I have a lot of good friends there and it's not as bad as people make it out to be. After about 2 and a half years of charter school it feels good to be back.

Recently I have met a boy, or rather, a man (he's 19) here in my town while he was on vacation looking at the local college. His name is Tony and he's from Texas; he's a great guy and we hung out almost everyday while he was here and sense he left we've been chatting online. We started considering ourselves in a relationship for about 3 weeks now and I have to admit; he's been the only thing on my mine sense I met him and I miss him.

I've been noticing my "drifting" for quite a while now, but as I return to school, it has become more prominent in my environment. I just find myself sitting quietly in my classes as all the other kids talk about different things I seem to find no interest in. I find my comfort in my last two classes which are Library Aide and Journalism. I like the library because I don't have to speak much and I'm surrounded by books with characters I happen to find common ground with. But I also like journalism, everyone in that class seems more mature and thoughtful then those outside that particular classroom's walls. I hate to admit that I am so different from everyone else; but I am. For those of you who want to be different but are truly not; don't wish for too much diversity for it is a lonely road to wander.
January 8th, 2009 at 05:02am