Obsession With Depression

Congradulations. you dumb people have made a mockery of human beings.
Depression is serious, yes. HOWEVER, it comes from worries and unfortunate events. you walk around saying things like "oh i hate my life and everything in it and anyone happy is stupid." Dont hate on them just because they have something to be happy about. There are people in this world with REAL problems. Not your stupid teenybopper junk. You are way too young to be acting so serious about life. Now everyone with real problems cant show their own sadness without someone calling them an emo like it's a bad thing. THANKS ALOT.
We're all being critisized now because some CHILDREN wanna show their "real emotions" and cry and bleed and hate everyone just because of something stupid. So what about those of us who are suddenly outcasted by our own friends and schools? What about those of us who spend everyday trying to get by without being bullied? The people who lose someone they loved so much?? The poor kid in a rich neighborhood? Now we are all slapped with labels, because of you.

You are selfish.
and im lovingly asking you to GROW UP.


have a beautiful day!
January 9th, 2009 at 12:35am