Famous People I'm Related To...

-Sir Isaac Newton. Some great niece or nephew of his was adopted into the Boyce family. So there ya go. I finally have a way of proving that stuff haha.

-Jefferson Davis. He was that guy, that...you know... was the President of the Confederate States. I'm not racist or southern or any of that, but I mean...that's pretty cool.

-Robert E. Lee. Gotta admit...that guy was kickass.

-Queen Elizabeth, and her entire royal family more or less. Including all those that came before her in line. Does that mean I was related to Princess Diana through marriage? Cuz I adored her. And if THAT royalty wasn't enough...

-Emperor Charlemagne. You know...that guy that formed the Holy Roman Empire? Way back in like...800 AD? Yeah, that guy. Great uncle or something like that.

-Joseph Smith. Yeah, so he was crazy in the head and said that God told him to form the religion of Mormonism (no offense if anyone reading this is a follower of the Church of Latter Day Saints), but hey. Now I know where we all get it from.

-FOUR Presidents of the United States. Not just one. FOUR. And really...only two of the four were any good. 1) President Taylor. 2) President Nixon. 3) President Bush Sr. 4) President Bush Jr. I really hate admitting that I'm related to that last one there but...hey...what can ya do?

-Benjamin Franklin. That guy was neato.

-Norma Jean Baker. For all those of you who DON'T know that name...she famously went by the name Marilyn Monroe. Trippyyyy.

-Richard Gere. So THAT'S where I get my devilish good looks from ;) Haha, just kidding.

-Chevy Chase. Bahahahahaaaaa.

-Seth MacFarlane....creator of Family Guy. Love that show lol

-Alec Baldwin, Stephen Baldwin, William Baldwin, and Daniel Baldwin...

-Winston Churchill. Oh hello there, chap.

The list of people goes on and on and on, including a nice handful of the first people to sign the Mayflower Compact, the first people aboard the Mayflower itself (including the youngest passenger), and even including some folk whose lineage isn't very clean cut and it's not 100% positive on the tree...but a lot of them have lines that can actually be traced. Fucking love geneology.
January 9th, 2009 at 02:53am