What I Hate To Love

May I start this journal off by wishing Jimmy Page a happy birthday? I will anyways. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIMMY!!!

Things I hate to love:

1. Million Dollar Listing
The only reason why I even know this show exists is because my dad watches it and he makes me watch it with him. Yeah, all of the guys are arrogant, but at least Josh is hot. That makes sitting through Madison's and Chad's whining worth it.

2. Michael Jackson
I am personally embarassed to admit that I listen to Michael Jackson. Middle adged women who think that they're still living in the '80s listen to him, but I can't resist listening to "Thriller" again and again.

3. Wizards of Waverly Place
Yes, it's a Disney show and yes, I hate Disney. But what I don't hate is this show. In fact, I love it, but don't go telling people.
January 10th, 2009 at 01:33am