True Veganism?

I was looking at my piercings in the car when I realised they were made of metal (oh gee, I'm quick). And piercings are associated with alternative, including Vegan.
I then realised that you couldn't be a true vegan unless you don't harm animals AT ALL.
This would mean living in a hut (as long as you haven't disturbed anything and only used dead natural materials) and growing food that is native to where you are living.

The last thing that is on your mind when you get a piercing is "what effect has the mining for the materials to make the metal in my body have on the environment?", but of course, there are many.
Not only are natural habitats being destroyed, but the animals who lived there are forced to find elsewhere to live. Or death, because they can't get the food they need to survive in some other environment.

Most things that Vegans write or say on the matter is JUST about protecting the lives of animals, little realising that without an environment, animals will die, even despite us using/eating them.

Its fair enough to not eat or use animals and have a clean conscience about that.
But I cant say that I have ever met a "True Vegan". Or that I ever will.

This is not an attack on Veganism.
January 10th, 2009 at 06:27am