Very sorry!

Okay, my dears whom I love deeply.

I realize I have not been able to respond to your beloved comments very quickly.

Here is why:

Okay, on Thanksgiving my mom got... well, she got drunk. And me, being the loving son I am, video taped her masquerade. Then, my dearest sister, Claire, decided she wanted to blab to my mother (who was sober at the time) that I had video taped her Night of Shame.

Thus making my mother ground me... forever. I am doomed to die alone... in my room! -tear-

I should tell you my mother just loves torturing her children, me most of all. Grounding me gives her the greatest joy of all. So, in order to enjoy said joy, she must keep grounding me.

My sister, the blabber mouth (I love you Claire!) thinks this is just hilarious. But, being the kind girl she is, she has let me use her laptop in order for me to respond to all you lovely people.

So thank Claire! Her user is Hugs.And.Smiles.

PS: If you just go on her page and say "THANK YOU CLAIRE!" it will freak her out. And I'll give you a virtual cookie and a virtual hug!
January 11th, 2009 at 08:00am