
So right now I'm supposed to be doing a project on Confucianism but I just can't concentrate on it. It's to boring and has to much information that doesn't make sense. unless you get what this means:


Confucius knew but one form of government, the traditional monarchy of his native land. It was the extension of the patriarchal system to the entire nation. The king exercised an absolute authority over his subjects, as the father over his children. He ruled by right Divine. He was providentially set up by Heaven to enlighten the people by wise laws and to lead them to goodness by his example and authority. Hence his title, the "Son of Heaven". To merit this title he should reflect the virtue of Heaven. It was only the high-minded king that won Heaven's favour and was rewarded with prosperity. The unworthy king lost Divine assistance and came to naught. The Confucian texts abound in lessons and warnings on this subject of right government. The value of good example in the ruler is emphasized most strongly. The principle is asserted again and again, that the people cannot fail to practise virtue and to prosper when the ruler sets the high example of right conduct. On the other hand the implication is conveyed in more than one place that when crime and misery abound, the cause is to be sought in the unworthy king and his unprincipled ministers.

I don't get it but that might just be me and the fact that another article said something totally different. Ha. I really need to start paying attention in class. This is a group project too so I'm going to someone house today to do this. And on top of this I feel sick. Oh, and the project is due tomorrow (Monday.) I'm totally screwed. Ha. I'll tell people if i pass this or not but I guess I should start working on this cause I have to prepare stuff to teach the class this like a power point and handout. Fun, right? If you know anything about Confucianism and want to be my best friend by giving me a good website with good information I'll love you forever.

Buhbyes loves <3
January 11th, 2009 at 03:25pm