This is random as hell

Okay, so I was watching Tom and Jerry a little bit ago and I just realized how sick that cartoon was. Well mainly ONE

So if your as familiar with the show as I am, then you already know the whole plot, who doesn't. But one thing that kinda made me go "WTF?!" was this one little skit

So First off, Jerry is narrating the whole thing
It was one where Tom and Jerry are friends, and then Tom starts liking this girl cat and ditches Jerry to be with this girl cat, Then Butch [That one black cat] starts to horn in on Tom's lady, and Tom Get's competitive, He try's to buy her love back, but he has no money, and Butch is like Mega rich. Tom buys this lady cat a flower, but Butch bought her like a Ginormous bouquet, Tom buys a crappy car, Butch has a super stretch limo, Tom buys her a teeny peeny diamond ring, Butch bought her a mega huge diamond ring, then Tom realizes he's beat and he starts "Drinking" now I put quotations around drinking, because he was drinking milk, but it was supposed to be like booze I guess. Then I guess the final straw for Tom was seeing this lady cat and Butch drive away in some car with a sign that says "Just Married" Then at the end it shows Tom on these train tracks, and Jerry is all like
"Too bad he couldn't have found a girl like mine, one who loves him and only him" blah blah yadda yadda, then Jerry see's his little girl friend drive away with some other mouse on a mini car that has a sign saying "Just Married" So then Jerry sits next to Tom on the train tracks, waiting for a train to come and run them over.

I remember seeing that when I was a little kid, and I didn't really get it. Then I saw it was on and I was like oh, I haven't seen this in forever! As I was watching it, at first I was thinking
"What a gold digging slut!"
Then I saw the end and I was like
"Did they just make a joke out of suicide?"
I mean, I don't want to got all annoying and seem like I'm over reacting, or taking something too seriously, but that shit is just demented.
It's a kids cartoon, and they make a crack on suicide. I mean the kids don't understand, I didn't understand when I was a kid, but I mean even so, is that really something to joke about in the first place?

Was the writer person trying to reach out to a more mature audience?
It's a cartoon about a cat and a mouse fighting like crazy, what kind of "Mature" person would watch that?

I don't know, am I taking it too seriously?
And sorry the description on the episode was kinda confusing sounding, I couldn't find a clip on you tube.

On a side note
What is with people putting things like this in their storries

I do not own anyone in "Insert band name here" however I do own "Insert made up character name here"

I mean when someone reads a story, do they assume it's true?
So just for shit's and giggles on my William Beckett story I put:

I own everyone in The Academy Is..., Sorry girls, tough nubs.
I love seeing things like this on stories
"I do not own the band or blah blah blah"
Gosh, is anyone stupid enough to believe that someone owns the band because they wrote a story about them? xD
it just makes me laugh

Also, girls are fucking crazy.
So I've liked Metro station for almost a year now. Well kind of, I mean I was supposed to see cobra star ship back in febuary of 08' but they boise date was canceled, but a few weeks prior to the concert I checked out we the kings, metro station and the cab

We the kings: I liked them, but I didn't get THAT into them until they opened for academy
Metro station: I didn't get that into them until later that year, like during the summer
The Cab: I don't know, I never checked them out :P I mean I've heard bounce, but I mean I wasn't really paying much attention to them. They seem decent, I think they'll grow on me.
Although I didn't bother to watch the acoustic set's that metro station and we the kings had, I was too bummed about not being able to see cobra :[
Wow I kind of wish I went...ah well nothing I can do about it now...

But I developed a teeny crush on Mason about a week or so ago, and I was looking for stories, and when I read a story, I like it to be set in teenage times, like high school times. So I couldn't find any on Mibba, so I went to quizilla, and I hate reading stories that only have like two or three chapters, so I check to see hoe many chapters there are first, then every single person's profile I went to on quizilla said something like this

"I love Mason, he is so sexy!"



Alright so the third one isn't so bad
I mean like that's taking it to the extreme.
"Oh Emily, isn't it stalkerish to be writing stories about the musician, and reading them too?"
Well, I don't think so. I mean when you think about it, the story just comes from someone's daydreams, right? Well I mean that's where I come up with my ideas. Everyone daydreams, when you read storries, your just reading about someone else's fantasies, and from their fantasies you can inspire new ideas for your own fantasies...FANTASIES!

If there is one thing that annoys me the most is when people abuse that word.
They say it like it's nothing.
I can understand things like this
I love The Academy Is...
It's more like and admirable love, not love LOVE

I love William Beckett, but not like attraction or anything like that.
Actually my crush for him is slowly fading...D:
And man, he was my BIGGEST celebrity crush!
No, I think I'm becoming more mature...err well, in a sense
I mean, he's defiantly attractive, but I'm just not feeling it the way I used to

I mean it like, he's my hero...or idol however you want to put it
Then again I look up to each member in TAI in some way
I wish I had the Butcher's mad drawing skillz
I wish I could be as funny as Sisky
I wish I could be as creative as Mike Carden
I wish I could play guitar like Chizzy

But like it's so serious
When you say you love someone
It's not just a word.
Think of what your saying
it's a rare feeling that occurs between to people. but quite often is mistaken for lust.
Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again? ;D

Also what annoys me is when girls say
"He's mine"
and they're referring to a band dude.
It get's annoying
Yes he's yours, and3987648465984 other girls

Q.What do you like most in a women?
A. My Penis.
January 11th, 2009 at 04:12pm